1. The Institute shall be organized in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on education and shall be governed in accordance with the procedure established by the Civil Code of the Republic of Tajikistan.
In accordance with the Statute on Higher Education of the Republic of Tajikistan for consideration of main issues of training and education, scientific, economic and financial activities of the Institute under the Rector shall be established the Academic Council of the Institute.
General management of the Institute shall be vested in the Academic Council, which is the supreme elected governing body of the Institute and shall be headed by the Rector.
The Rector shall be appointed and dismissed by the Founder. 2.
2. The Academic Council of the Institute shall consist of the Rector (Chairman), Vice-Rectors, deans of faculties, heads of departments, head of the library, heads of departments for academic work, scientific activities and postgraduate studies, representatives of public organizations, teaching staff and scientific workers. The Academic Council can include doctoral and postgraduate students.
The composition of the Academic Council is approved by the Rector of the Institute for a period of 3 (three) years. The Rector of the Institute appoints 50% of the members of the Academic Council.
In case of resignation or dismissal of the members of the Academic Council before the end of the term of office, replenishment of its ranks shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure established for election (inclusion) in the composition of the Council before the beginning of the academic year.
Decisions of the Academic Council on educational and scientific issues shall be made by open voting, by a prevailing majority of votes, and during contests for filling teaching and research positions, awarding the academic titles of professor, associate professor, senior researcher shall be made by election by secret ballot in accordance with the established procedure.
Powers of the Academic Council of the Institute:
– Making decisions on all issues concerning the organization of the teaching and educational process and approval of the plans of scientific-research works;
– Adoption of decisions concerning the creation, reorganization and liquidation of faculties, departments, scientific laboratories, other subdivisions of the Institute and their names;
– To hear and approve the annual reports on educational, scientific-research work, the balance sheet of the Institute and to adopt recommendations for the improvement of their activities;
– Listening to the current progress reports on the implementation of the didactic/educational, research work, training of the students in the faculties, reports on the activities of the Academic Councils at the Institute;
– Recommendation of candidates for admission to doctorate studies, postgraduate studies and transfer to the posts of senior and junior researchers, granting of sabbatical leaves (6 and 3 months for the completion of theses of doctorate and candidacy, one year for the preparation of textbooks and manuals), approval of the themes of doctorate and candidacy theses, consideration and solution of the questions of substitution and holding of competitions, appointment to the posts of professor and teacher, heads of Departments, Associate professors and other scientific and pedagogical staff;
– consideration of other issues.