To consider the current issues of the Institute’s activities on the basis of the principles of one-man management and collectivism, an executive body is created accountable to the highest body of the Institute – the rector’s office, which is headed by the rector.
The rector’s office includes vice-rectors, deans, heads of structural divisions of the Institute (chief accountant, head of the Organization and Standard Educational Process Department, chiefs of personnel, science, postgraduate studies and applicants, head of the economic and administrative department, secretary of the Scientist, etc.)
The administration collectively considers the issues of the current production activities of the Institute and makes management decisions.
The decision of the rectorate comes into force after the approval of the rector.
Management of the activities of the Security System Institute for the rector. The rector is responsible for the results of the work of the institute. He acts in accordance with this Charter and the current legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on behalf of the institute, represents him in all bodies, institutions and enterprises of the institute, concludes an agreement, issues powers of attorney, opens the institute of the institute in the bank. In the course of his competence, the rector issues orders and gives instructions that are mandatory for all employees of the institute and students.
The issues of hiring the institute and dismissing employees of the institute, the procedure for appointing to the positions of teachers, professors, associate professors, scientific personnel, heads of structural divisions, issues of bonuses to employees are entrusted to the rector.
The rector can assign part of his rights to vice-rectors and other governing bodies.