Rights and obligations of doctoral students, postgraduate students and applicants

1. Persons who are admitted to graduate school entrance examinations are entitled to thirty calendar days of leave with pay at the place of work.

Persons enrolled in postgraduate study at the expense of the budget on a full-time basis shall be paid a state stipend in an amount not less than the salary of an assistant and are provided with annual vacations with a duration of two months.

Part-time postgraduate students are entitled to thirty calendar days of additional annual leave at their place of work, while maintaining the average wage.

Part-time postgraduate students are entitled to one day off from work per week with payment in the amount of 50% of their salary. The organization – employer has the right to provide postgraduate students at their request in the fourth year of study additional two days of free time per week without pay.

Subject to the availability of housing fund postgraduate correspondence students are provided with a dormitory for the period of examinations and dissertation work.

Doctoral students are paid state stipends in an amount not less than the salary of an assistant professor and are provided with two months of annual vacations.

Each full-time graduate student and doctoral student studying at the expense of the state budget for the purchase of scientific literature is granted an annual allowance in the amount of two monthly stipends.

2. Doctoral students who have achieved significant scientific results on topical socio-economic problems or priority areas of basic scientific research may be transferred to positions of scientific staff for up to two years to prepare a thesis for the degree of doctor of sciences. The applicants transferred to the positions of scientific researchers shall retain their official salaries.

In order to complete their dissertations, applicants for scientific degrees of Candidate or Doctor of Sciences shall be granted sabbatical leave at the place of work with pay for three or six months, respectively.