In 1991, an advanced training course in otorhinolaryngology was established at the Tajik State Medical Institute. In 1993 the department of otorhinolaryngology of Tajik State Medical Institute of Postgraduate Education of the Republic of Tajikistan was founded. It was headed by the head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, chief otorhinolaryngologist, associate professor Umarov Usman Umarovich. Under his leadership for many years at the department worked c.m.s. Turaev F.T., c.m.s. Bustonov M.O., also such highly skilled specialists as Kodiri D.A., Iskhaki D.U., Irmatov D.S., Gulomov Z.S. and others. In 2007 under his leadership assistant chair Mukhtarova P.R. defended her master’s thesis “Treatment of chronic mesotympanitis uresultanom”.

In 2011 the candidate of medical sciences Shamsidinov Bobonazar Nasridinovich was appointed head of the department.

Currently the following assistants work at the department: Candidate of medical sciences Mukhtarova P.R., Begov A.A., Olimov T.H., senior laboratory assistant Shaydoev S.S., Tagoymurodova Sh.F.